I subbed for a year, then was offered a position as a paraprofessional. A year later I got my teacher cert and was hired. I probably would have...
I did that in my first year of teaching. If they've truly helped you out during the year then I think it's fine. If they haven't worked with you...
I'm so jealous! I teach reading and here are some books my kids love: The Mortal Instruments series (5 books and 2 prequels so far I believe)...
Yes invite her. If you feel uncomfortable about it you can say you felt you should invite her but that she shouldn't feel obligated to go. You...
Summer sales are awesome. You can get a lot of stuff for free or for a penny. Just watch the office supply circulars every week and get there...
Yes, do NOT let test scores dictate your opinion of your teaching abilities. I work with students who will likely never pass our state exams but I...
If you're allowed to paint, do a calming blue or green. That's what I did in my room. Have the students help you decorate. We make paper cut outs...
I'd highly recommend you read Book Whisperer. I integrated a lot of free choice reading in my class and have seen a definite increase in reading...
I rarely do it. If an entire class does poorly, then it reflects more on my teaching than their ability, so if possible we cover the topic again...
Yep Class Dojo. If you search the name on this forum you'll find lots of posts about how different teachers implement it.
Free Reading Mainstream time (let them do work from another class) Study Do you have computer in class? If so give them some educational sites...
Is this it? http://shorelinelibrarians.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/54731377/Differentiating_Independent_Reading.pdf
I agree. Let your department head or admin know about your concerns. Make sure they know that the student hasn't explicitly stated anything about...
You've got e-mails and documentation to back yourself up. Talk to whomever is head of your team/department head etc about your concerns and...
It depends on the teacher. Typically the kids can come after school or before school the next day to finish up. Some teachers let them work on it...
What about shelves and books? So many of our students have a reading deficit and I've found the best offense is an overflowing classroom library...
One of my intensive reading student asked if he can have my class again next year, even if he passes our state reading test and no longer needs...
I try to always give them back (I also teach special ed), but they most often just get tossed in the trash. If the class overall has done poorly,...
If it's reached the point where it's obvious from the outside that things are not working, have a heart to heart with the kids. Tell them you...
What about decorating the room for spring? Have them all color and cut out flowers, leaves, cute animals etc and label them by color, then post...