Tasha I love that idea! It's so much easier than things we usually do but it fits the holiday perfectly. Thanks for sharing.
Math Standards I'm not in Fl but I always like seeing how different states decide on different standards. Thank for posting these sites.
Fcrr Thanks for sharing this site! It does have a lot of great content.
Do you limit how many times a student can read the same book in independent reading? I have some students who I honestly believe would read the...
I know it's not even November yet, but I can never plan too much. How many people here celebrate Dr Suess's birthday in March? What are your...
When in doubt Always report any unusual behavior by a student that may indicate abuse. I wouldn't include that you suspect sexual abuse in your...
Administration You need to inform someone higher up that a child is missing too much time for no good reason. Maybe the mother doesn't see you as...
Our second and third graders visit a local senior facility a few times every year and read to the residents. The kiddos love to show off their...
Call Someone has to inform protective services. There is definitely something unusual going on in this girl's life. I can't remember any child in...
Dolch vs Fry I suppose it is human nature for all of us to keep using what we have been using. The one advantage to Dolch words is that there...
It was deep Now I can't wait for this topic to come up in a conversation. I'll be ready!
Crazy Horse I don't have any specific sites for you but consider discussing the Crazy Horse statue being built near Mt Rushmore. I had some...
No Comprehension This program appears to train kids how to recognize words from flash cards but everyone I know says the kids can't really read....
Parents I've tried explaining to parents that their children spend much more time not in school than they do in school. If the parents of this...
Dessert I eat dessert even if I'm stuffed from my meal. Somehow, I think of dessert as a "right".
We use an HM basal. I've noticed people mentioning that they don't use a basal. Just wondering, how many of you don't use basals? What do you...
Tasteless at best I could see an educator being disciplined for forwarding this kind of email. I wonder what she was thinking. Maybe she thinks...
Scholastic is crazy Why would they put a person like Whoopi in a position to represent their company?
Same Problem Lots of places have archaic rules about turning on heat and A/c based on dates, not temperatures. I complained to our admin once...
In my never ending search for free stuff, I ran across a non profit called RAFT (raft.net). They have several locations. It appears that they get...