Not much experience I think you pose an important question for society at large. We don't have a large African American population so the results...
Guests Some years you will get parents who are less than ideally motivated. We have used mystery readers for years. The kids love it when we have...
All All of our students have computers. I'm sure virtually all of them have high speed internet, along with so many personal gadgets of a high...
Nothing Yet Our local Staples has not had anything of interest yet. I'm afraid that the recession is going to cause some stores to be stingier...
Great Plan I think it's a great idea! The kids will love it. I really like the idea of incremental rewards to keep the kiddos excited.
Thanks for sharing We don't do box tops but now that I've seen the good ideas shared here, I'm thinking about it. One of our reservations was...
I know the feeling This is our last week and it felt like it was never going to arrive! It's a shame you had such a crazy ending to the year....
How many of you have volunteer groups that come and read to your students? I was approached by a member of a local service organization about...
Doubt If you are in doubt, don't do it. There are so many ways for this to get messy that the risk outweighs the rewards unless you really want...
Parents Just remember that some parents will sign off on reading forms even when they know their child hasn't read the books claimed, especially...
Role Models My friend teaches Kindergarten. He was told bluntly that many of his students don't have any healthy male role models when he was...
Attachment You didn't do anything wrong. Don't let it bother you. We all run into parents who have too much attachment to their kids. I feel...
Billy Bowman is a mascot for Glacier National Park in Mt. I ran across him while doing some research for my summer vcation. The kiddos really...
Reading Logs I don't know of a good replacement for AR, but the parents signing off on logs caught my attention. A friend of mine started asking...
Interesting What a great invention! I can see the problem with people not being able to make emergency calls, but a part of me still thinks you...
Public Even though public employees' salary is public record doesn't mean a newspaper should publish that info. It seems like a tactic to show we...
May do it finally Thanks for your post. I've thought about doing something with butterflies for years. Now I'm going to finally do it.
Lakeshore A while back, I bought some plastic bins from Lakeshore. They came with labels.
Rates Rates for tutoring around here seem to range from $45.00 to $60.00 per hour.
Makes No Sense It's not like there are a zillion empty houses in NJ which don't generate property taxes for schools. Why not let people live...