I have almost given up using purses at all. I didn't even take one on our Europe trip and didn't miss it. I took a tiny, flat leather wallet...
My husband and I just returned from 18 days in Scandinavia, Russia and London. We did just about everything others have said. In one of our...
My favorite AP used to always say he wished he worked in an orphanage. Sounds about right to me! Hang tough. I don't care how much I know I...
Our system is about the same as MrsC. At the point of complettion, you are placed on a list and when there is an opening as an AP, you are moved...
Sometimes I have great classes for several years in a row, but then I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop--in other words, they can't all...
I watched all the same shows, Grammy Teacher, I also watched Sea Hunt and LOVED Flipper. The original Twilight Zone scared me as a kid. I...
I know Sears makes a tent that has two rooms that sets up in less than 5 minutes and is pretty inexpensive. When we tent camped, I always took a...
Memphis Beat-great music throughout this show. And i think Hell's Kitchen is coming back. That show just make me laugh and cringe at the same time.
I am not sure I could function without an occasional nap-OK, more than occasionally. Today was our class picnic-three classes of Kindergarteners...
I let any workers who need to use the bathroom do so, but I don't like it. I had a worker "disrespect the toilet" once. We have a small house...
Leaving June 21 for a 13 day cruise leaving Harwich, England (outside London). We are going to Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Russia. Then 5 days...
I have laminated both of those things with no problem ,but just be careful not to get the laminator too hot-it can happen and then the crayon can...
I really tend to write the same things for many of the children, but if you go on line, there are tons of lists of report comments that often help...
I am not sure I have ever cried at school, but who remembers 34 years ago? I am not a crier about the important, serious stuff, but tear up...
I prefer tables also because I can adjust how close or far I want to sit from the table and I have the same problem, Ima Teacher-I HATE when my...
We have 4 classroom teachers and 5 support staff that received pink slips about 3 weeks ago. We have 2 more weeks of school. It has been very...
I live in Florida now, but born in Chicago. Peas and Dumplings-never heard of it. Dumplings have a totally different meaning to Czechs (my...
I always thought my fingers were going pretty fast-guess not. I did 55 wpm. That was with one error. I would like to seen the fingers of...
I agree with other posters-I am not sure waiting for tenure is a good thing--seems there is no more tenure where I live. I also think you need to...
I am retiring after next year and I think great gifts would be GIFT CARDS--to restaurants, grocery stores, I-tunes the movies. Those are...