What experience does the applicant have working with students with special needs? How would the applicant intend/expect to communicate with you...
Weather Sequencing: we will read a story aloud, and I use the Boardmaker pics (and also often objects) as supports while reading. When we...
Definitely sit down beforehand. Make it formal, but low-pressure. Talk to them about when and how you want to communicate with them--how will you...
Right, b/c you can incorporate items like Chokita mentions into choice-making goals, communication goals, social goals. . .
Yes. Occasionally I go to professional development and think "if this is how inclusion feels, I'm sorry we do it to our kids!" It's certainly not...
Unfortunately, it seems like working with this population we are left to develop our own stuff alot of the time. Boardmaker is VERY helpful....
i have the velcroed picture schedule displayed in the front of the room after we put it together during morning circle. i've also seen some...
Also remember--you don't have to have everything set up on the first day. Integration with grade level is often something you can set up after a...
Working with aides was what made me most nervous my first year. A few things that helped--immediately establishing clear lines of communication....
The Thirteenth Tale was great--an eccentric bestselling author who has been giving fake bios to reporters her whole life is dying and decides to...
yeah--I actually didn't like the epilogue, it felt tacked on. but that would make sense--although not sure if more books would have the same...
I like the "RISE" acronym words, although how does "RISE class" sound when you put it on a newsletter . . .
I couldn't find on our district website if "Aspire" is an acronym, I'll see if I can find anyone who knows at summer school tomorrow. I'd prob...
YAY I was hoping someone on here was doing the Harry Potter thing. Went with some friends at midnight, read 3 chapters aloud at Denny's, read half...
We have an "Achieve" program at the HS level--basically the higher-level life skills students. The class "above" that academically speaking goes...
I do like themes b/c I use them as a vehicle for the more repetitive, necessary but not necessarily interesting skills that the kid NEED work...
I tutor a homebound student who would be in my classroom were he able to attend school. Because of that I am able to carry over some of our...
Yes--it's like that all over the country. I'm in Massachusetts, and we complete portfolio assessments based on grade-level state standards for...
He should definitely go for it--as for disclosure, while it is totally up to him, chances are if he is working with special educators, they'll...
Hi Roxanne, I teach Life Skills too. :) It's a great job to have!! Try to get ahold of their IEPs and go over them, familiarize yourself...