My schedule changes throughout out the year based on my kid's club meeting since they attend the school where I teach, When they have meeting I...
In my district, the evaluator, usually the P and AP, has 7 calendar days to have a post observation conference with the teacher. If they don't,...
It might not be as weird as you think. When I was first hired in my district, I was interviewed by an HR person. After being hired to the...
In my class I use daily five. I basically have five stations that students can choose to work in each day. I usually have 3-4 choices in each...
Start out like its the first day of school. I know that the curriculum has to be taught, but I would spend the first few days going over routines...
I have students who still do not want to follow procedures. I actually had a problem with a couple of students today. My students choose their...
Do you have a discipline plan? We use clip charts for the whole school, but in my K class I also include a warning color. So when students pull...
I majored in Human development and minored in psychology. I don't think in made a difference in the hiring process here. Most of the teachers I...
Time for assessing We also have common assessment for each quarter. I pull my students during centers to assess. It takes about a week to assess...
I've read this entire thread and I have not seen where the OP mentions any consequences for misbehavior. It seems like there is a lot of blaming...
My homework is really simple. I put it on the back of the weekly newsletter. I just divided the page into four sections for Mon- Thurs. The...
Here, the transfer period is internal. It opens in March and teachers in the district can apply for a transfer to the schools with posted...
Wow a job for each student is a bit much. I teach kinder and only have 4 jobs, teachers' helper, line leader, messenger, and door holder. My kids...
Clubs My principal does not require that we head a club, but we are all expected to serve on a committee. Each year during inservice week, my...
We are a team of 6 and share planning, and plans have to follow the pacing and curriculum guides. We have to be within a week of the guides. Our...
I would take the K position if for nothing more than the experience of having and managing a classroom. The tech position can get you into public...
The progress monitoring depends on the student. The program progressed monitored according to sub skills that the students had not mastered. So...
My district uses I-Ready to benchmark reading and math. Students also progress monitor on it every 2 weeks. The assessments are really long...
I taught departmentalized 6th grade in an elementary building. We each taught out own reading and language arts. We were required to have 90...
A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. Right now you have two birds in the hand and one in the bush. I would weigh the pros and cons...