I counted the hours incorrectly. It's actually 7 hours for the kids, but still a long time. We have extra time built into our day so if there are...
My district has been full day kindergarten since at least the late 70s when my older brothers went to K. Our district run Pre-K classes are also...
My district got rid of paddling about 12 years ago. When. We had it, parents signed a waiver during registration and we're called before the swats...
Teachers- August 1st Students-August 8th It's been a great summer, but now I need to get some things in order before we go back.
At the start of the year I send home a newsletter that has everything parents need to know. I include information about drop off and pick up,...
If you have been hired, your school district might have some sort of new teacher orientation available. This is where you'll get information about...
Setting up a classroom is so much fun and so stressful al, at the same time. We can get our keys about a week before we officially ome back. I...
We use power school and under the student information tab it shows all of the students who have any medical alerts and if they are taking...
I don't normally do snacks but I will this year because we have such a late dismissal. We have lunch at 12 and school ends at 4:15. So I'm going...
Here's an example of what I said during an observation on a long vowel a lesson. "This week we have been learning about the letter A. Today we are...
We have to write or post I Can statement on the board for each subject. I used to have student repeat after me the statement at the start of each...
I made a power point with the alphabet and sight words. I plan on playing this for students as they come in. Students say the letter and sound and...
This is how it is at my school. When a note is brought in, I send it to the secretary, and she makes the changes from unexcussed to excused....
Our district gives teachers $200 each year to buy for the classroom. This includes everything from educational games to decorations. My first year...
It always amazes me how different school districts do things. In my district, principals can place teacher in any position that meets their...
I think kindergarten teacher work the same as any other grade, but the is a differnece. The pp is correct in that there is less to grade. Most...
I've had a star theme for the last three year. All of my bulletin boards are trimmed with stars. My students names are on stars on the door. I...
I get 10 sick days and 2 personal days. All days roll over year to year with no limits. Sick days roll over to sick days. We don't get paid for...
Done, finished May 27th.
This is not the case in my district. Students have been in uniforms for 14 years, and looking at a random group of students you can tell the haves...