Hello! I'm currently paying my loans under the Public Works Loan Forgiveness and I'm on an income driven repayment plan. I know that if I get...
Yup, I use the stapler in the grooves where its the thinnest.
We're at a very casual school with no real dress code. I see the men wearing a lot of dress pants and polos.
I can't switch off of science because we are state tested in 5th grade.
Our 5th grade is departmentalized into 3 homeroom classes (90min each). I'm supposed to teach science for 60minutes and social studies for 30min....
I teach 5th grade science and I'm wondering if it is easier to organize stuff by theme or by type. For example; all space science resources...
There are numerous vacancies within PG county, MD. It is more of an urban district but the county is SO BIG that the demographics change...
Hahaha - that made me laugh. Thank you!
I hear ya. I once declined going out with my boyfriend's family because I had a bunch of stuff to grade and catch up on. His sister's response...
If you go to Teachers Pay Teachers and type in farmhouse, rustic, shabby chic,etc you can get a whole bunch of labels and such for your room. I...
I have a 13 year old cat who is the Queen of the house and 2 guinea pigs who are also my classroom pets. I would like to get a corgi in the near...
I LOVE the lunch box idea but I'd throw in some office goodies (if $ allows). As for lanyards, everyone at our school wears a lanyard that our...
Thanks? wow
I just completed my 3rd year at this school.
We do superlative awards at the end of the year and I was voted Teacher of the Year!
I am updating my resume and currently hold several duties in my school so I'm not quite sure how to organize them. I ended up giving them their...
Yep, I use it but in different ways (5th science). Exit tickets: quick assessment on lesson which allows me to see who "got it" and who didn't....
WOW! That's a lot. I'm assuming you must earn a decent amount at your job also.
Me and the bf would like to visit Italy next year but I have no idea how to go about planning a trip for it. Ideas, websites, other information?...
Low income school as well. We are given 0 stipend, no supplies except for textbooks. I have bought all my baskets, children's books, decorations,...