Software engineer or zoologist.
Thank you everyone!
Me and my boyfriend are currently looking for houses. His grandmother passed away recently and left him a large amount of money to use as a down...
We get 4... you take them whenever you want. No questions asked.
I really like the school I am working at but I would like to buy a house with my SO. The houses around us are VERY expensive. Would you consider...
Anyone work in a STEM/magnet school or school that has a strong STEM program? Just wondering what it is like. Love it? Hate it? I LOVE teaching...
A teacher friend of mine used duct tape but when the corners started peeling off and the dirt started getting stuck to it, it looked terrible. I'd...
I was voted teacher of the year by staff and admin last year. Is this something I could include in my resume or no because it wasnt a county-level...
Yes, always. I don't sit with them at lunch since only about half of the staff actually use the staff "lounge" to eat their lunch. It's not very...
I LOVE teaching elementary science and could see myself perusing that more in the future. Does anyone do curriculum writing or advising on the...
What would be appropriate in regards to interactive notebooks in K,1,and 2? Teachers here are supposed to utilize interactive note booking in...
The admin team and a few teachers recently completed a walk through of all classroom at our school. We had a checklist of specific "look fors"....
We use Class Dojo school-wide. I LOVE it, especially for parent communication.
Even if the door is OPEN, I slowly peek my head in and ask if they're busy... wow!
I had been asking my admin for the past two years. Since I teach departmentalized science, reading classrooms always get priority. They usually...
Thanks! I just emailed a bunch of local places. *fingers crossed*
I have been asking my school for a big classroom rug for the past 2 years now... but still no rug. Ideas of where to get one for FREE?
Are you departmentalized?
Ball goes away, students can do something else. But this is coming from a 5th grade standpoint.
I have to present at our in-service next week on claim, evidence, and reasoning. I'm not worried about presenting to the upper grades but I'm not...