I read the book "Love and Logic", and this year instead of posting "rules"...I am posting expectations (not only for students, but also for myself...
We send our folders home on Monday, and at the beginning of each 9 weeks, I staple a page onto the inside left of the folder. This page has a...
I had a couple of weird dreams earlier in July, but my brain seems to have settled down since I've been able to get moved into my new classroom....
I have never heard of "Conscience Discipline". If your school is wanting to implement it as (I'm assuming) the school-wide discipline...
thank you!
Last year I made a list of the "Top Ten things that bug Mrs. ___" as an introduction to procedures. The kids got tickled finding out the things...
I've been to the L/L website and wasn't able to find that. Where do I look? :D
good additions! I think I've got my class expectations list made now! :D
I use book baskets in my 2nd grade classroom. I have baskets for genre (fairy tales, non-fiction, poetry), baskets for favorite author's/series'...
Sadly, I'm finished with the book (sadly b/c I really enjoyed reading it!) so now I'm thinking of ways to implement L/L in my classroom :D Have...
I would love to return to school to get my masters, but don't know where to begin looking into scholarships/grants for Continuing Ed. Any...
I'll have to try that, runsw/scissors. Sometimes I think arguing is my husband's favorite hobby, so it'll be interesting to see his reaction :)...
Since you live in Texas, and my friend from Garland says it's hotter than h-e-double hockey sticks down there, what about some kind of water...
personally, I think the concepts of Love and Logic can be used in ANY interpersonal relationship. Have been trying to explore ways I can practice...
okay..that got me tickled! :D So....(next question) how do you keep your empathetic responses from sounding like sarcasm? i have been trying...
So do you still post your rules/consequences in your classroom? or do you post rules but let the consequences be "natural"?
I think I'm thinking too much about this approach. Honestly, I believe that I'm already doing a lot of the things he suggests, he just has a name...
I am reading Love and Logic by Fay and Funk and want to hear from you Love and Logic teachers who've implemented this as your behavior plan in...
I'm reading "Love and Logic" and am finding it very hard to put down!
I'm glad to hear that others have been losing interest in this book too. I thought it was just my "summer mentalitly" that was making me...