Be sure that whatever consequence you give a child is definitely something that you can follow through with. Your behavior management will...
I had a child with ODD this year as well. Last Summer God laid on my heart a strong desire to read "Love and Logic" (Funk and Fay), and I would...
I, too, have streamlined my helpers to being one boy and one girl. I have each child's name on a colorful cut-out and are hanging next to a sign...
I also teach 2nd grade and LOVE finding good books for read-alouds. I have a habit of choosing books that are above 2nd grade level if for no...
Great ideas for organization! My problem with organization concerns posters! Not just posters, but also large bulletin board cut-outs too. Any...
Nora Jones and Eva Cassidy (some are upbeat, but the kids seem to really like them...I can usually count on hearing them singing the words to...
more or less....We do teach about diversity at other times during the year,as well as incorporating it into daily life as much as possible, but...
I teach 2nd grade and our Social Studies theme for next week is learning about different cultures. The standards say to teach about: 1)...
I'm almost afraid to ask this......BUT...what exactly IS that hanging out from under the dress?!?!?!?!:confused:
I have gotten several very sweet replies from parents who were deeply touched when I took the time to send a good note home with their child. It...
We (my student teacher and I) were asked this question at conferences earlier this year, and she said that in one of her classes they were taught...
What age group do you teach? I would think that how you get to know your students would differ slightly with the grade that you teach. I teach...
I have a student that is ODD in my regular classroom this year and can understand your frustration. Recess is a particulary hard time for him...
Maybe I'm misreading things, but to me it sounds like you DID support her! I think the way you handled the situation was exactly what was needed,...
I have done patterns using strips of bulletin board paper (usually about 4 inches wide and usually black) and seasonal die-cut patterns (fall...
I do the 5 stars and a reward thing in my classroom too (with 2nd graders). I do, however, make it 5 stars cumulatively (stars carry over from...
Okay! That is a really cool idea! I do class celebrations every once in a while, and that will be a great addition! We started with the new...
Here is what I have done the past few years. I make a bunch of "grapes" using purple balloons and lime green curling ribbon. I attach them to...
I'm having a brain fart as to what DWP would be...could you enlighten me, runsw/? BTW...I found the poster on the L/L website and for a mere...
My vote is for Heather! I agree about Keith...kinda icky, but he seems to be a pretty good chef! I'm really, REALLY tired of Virginia and ready...