I have done skip-counting patterns using a 100 chart during calendar time. If it was a number counted by 2's, we would underline it in red....If...
I teach 2nd grade and have always struggled in organizing my writing instruction. I would love to hear your ideas of "what to teach when"...
You want to pick books that are 2 or 3 reading levels higher than your students, but be careful that the content it appropriate for your age...
Gregor the Overlander! I just finished reading book 1 to my 2nd graders and they were mesmerized!!!!!
I use "The Important Book" when I'm teaching inferring. If you're not familiar with it, it lists an object....say a spoon....and then it starts...
Probably because they know that you love them BECAUSE of the boundaries you set for them!! I truly believe that kids not only want but need...
mostly it was Halloween candy,but the teachers next door to me got Halloween beanie babies....i was totally envious :-)
I had definitely thought about skipping Christmas, but I remember doing a "gobble" at Thanksgiving years ago, and thought a "cupid" at Valentine's...
This week we have been sending boo-grams with our staff. This is when you get a bag of treats/goodies and leave it with a cut-out that says "boo"...
We are doing a door decorating contest in our school for Drug Free Week too, and some of the ideas i've seen are.... 1) A big mirror made out...
In my 2nd grade class I have used "The Important Book" to teach kids about inference. I will read them a page, leaving out the name of the...
For sound...i used to have a cassette tape that was a game of identifying sounds. I don't remember where I got it, (or where it went ;-)) but it...
Love and Logic has some pretty good catch phrases for the eye-rolling. Things like "Wow! Can you see the back of your head when you do that?"...
I've created a "Gold Star" reward that I just copy and put in my treat jar with free things that kids can choose for their reward. some of my...
I'm actually kind of afraid to :D
I, apparently, have 2 looks! One is just the old fashioned "stare down", but the other has become more of my go to look....it's a combination of...
I knew I was grown up when.... ...I started asking for things like towels and new tires for my birthday :-( ...my favorite thing to listen to on...
school: enjoying that first 5 minutes after the students have been dismissed....you know the quiet, peaceful, wonderful 5 minutes I'm talking...
I went back yesterday, and spent the entire time just "looking" around my room trying to imagine the best place to put things. It seems, for me,...
I'm reading a book right now called "Making the Most of Small Groups: Differentiation for All" by Debbie Diller. Great resource! Maybe that's...