The curriculum for summer school is boring! Anyone have some fun ideas to go with the Community Helper theme to spice things up this summer?...
We just had our end of the year talent show and my class did 1st Grade 1st Grade to the tune of New York New York. It was a big hit and the kiddos...
I love this type of book and have a bunch at school but mine also are already packed. A couple I can think of off the top of my head in addition...
It's been amazing! I know some people hate the Reading First grant. I see both the pros and cons, but the test scores do show that something is...
Okay 2 topics going on :) Massages = Heaven for me. I pay to belong to a place called Massage Envy and try to go every month. Teacher...
I am in Tempe. And you?
Set limits for yourself. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time before and/or after school for planning and prep and stick to it. School can...
My resume is 2 pages and includes my references. It is longer because I re-careered and chose to keep my non-teaching experience listed. I agree...
We are a Reading First school. I believe that using our Harcourt Trophies program with fidelity has truly helped our kids. They have received...
In my experience, a commitment letter is like a contract. It's basically a district stating they want to hire you but not saying for what school...
I am relocating from Arizona to Texas. I will be working at a school where a college friend is already located. She called me today to ask what I...
If youare doing it simply for the money, go for it. I worked there right after college, lasted a month and walked out. They promise the parents...
I hate testing, however, I have come to accept it as a necessary evil of the profession. After working so hard this year, I have to say my kiddos...
cb4 -- LOVE the ideas!!! :) I am changing from kindergarten to 3rd next year and would love any ideas people are willing to share. I have never...
I am trying to get ready for next year. I just got a job in Texas so I am moving and changing from kindergarten to 3rd grade. I have started going...
Well just to update you all....I went to Houston last Friday for the job fair. I was offered and accepted a 3rd grade position! I will be...
I guess it depends also on the area you teach. I have all community belongings but I and the school buy everything. Our students do not provide...
I LOVE my whiteboards. We use them a lot and as long as you set clear expectations I think you'll love them too. How we use them... Beginning...
I use community supplies on each table. There is a basket in the center of the table. In the basket are cups. One cup with pencils, one with...
I just got back from a job fair and this or the "tell us about you" question was common. I answered that something that sets me apart is that I...