We just had our first one on Friday.
We use Scott Foresman. It's okay, but kinda boring. But I hate science, so that might be why it's boring.
We have them here in Maryland, too. A waste of time.
I've gotten pretty good at holding my pee. There have been a few times where I just can't hold it. I will ask the teacher next door to watch my...
What do the letters ESPN stand for?
If I am pre-writing something on the board (like writing the date and directions or morning work before the kids come in) and I take my time with...
Our very first math unit this year was solving equations, such as 54 + n = 69 and 5p=20. The kids barely know multiplication, but they thrust...
Kids can be such smart a$$es some times. I can be very sarcastic and I know my kids well (I've taught them since first grade) so I probably would...
Yes. I have some who forget to put their names. Whenever I give an assignment the first thing I always say is "Put your name and date." I pause...
I have my parents send a check made out to Scholastic or they send me cash. Then I write a check to cover that amount. I always do my order...
Please share any ideas/tips you have for teaching kids how to write personal narratives. Writing is not my strong point.
You could write the causes and effects on index cards. Put the causes on one color and the effects on another color. Then have the students...
Nice room, 3LittleMonkeys! I especially like the Times Table Touchdowns board. :)
I don't know if this would work for you, but I always go for a little friendly competition in my classroom. When we take our math quizzes and...
I use a lot of the Take It To Your Seat math centers from Evan Moor. They are great!
Great room!:2up: Thanks for sharing! :)
My best investment for my classroom would be all the books I've bought for my library. Other things in my room that I couldn't live without...
We have to post objectives. I type them in Word, print them out, then place them on my chalkboard. They change daily so I don't bother saving or...
We're required to change our boards monthly. My welcome board will stay up until the end of September.
I do the same thing as danic. I have that electronic stoplight timer and I tell the kids who are at seatwork or centers to start wrapping up when...