I teach hs science.
I am and have always been an extremely respectful and well-mannered individual. Growing up, these things were important and stressed in my...
Following are my answers. What do you all think? I would greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions. Thanks! Dear Dr. X, My classes are...
going so well? My dept. mates are great. Some of my student's are so sweet and hardworking, but some of them are having some difficulties in...
He wrote about the following: good speaking voice polite style need to make my visual I used for class clearer (in terms of being able to see it)
Advice??? I have been teaching 1.5 weeks and am in trouble already I'm a 1st year high school teacher of lower track students. A couple of my...
Thanks for the responses, everyone! NJnewteach, I think it does show that you are motivated. I contacted my principal, and he gave me contact...
New teacher orientation begins tomorrow! I am finally starting to feel nervous. I will be a high school teacher.
My P gave me a tour of the school for over an hour and I said almost nothing =( When he passed me off to my dept. chair at the end of the tour he...
or are you pretty much guaranteed a job...somewhere?
It is it the final stages i.e. application done, university approval, and just waiting for the state's review. Thanks!
I am a first year teacher. I received a letter from one of the assistant principals at my school. I must contact my advisees’ parents...
no classroom - you have a cart no textbooks - you will be given papers all of your students will be low achieving students
I work during the school's building hours =( They're fairly easy going about time off BUT I've put in to take off 4 days.
I've been with the organization for 13 months and currently work there full-time this summer. I will continue to work this job on Saturdays during...
Dear Dr. P, I hope all is well! My name is futureteach24, and I would once again like to thank you for the opportunity to be a new science...
Good luck on the upcoming school year, btw!!!
If so, what have you down? No one has contacted me about district standards/curriculum. Is this odd? I know I have new teacher orientation...
Hello! I will be a first year teacher very soon and was wondering a few things. Will I be given a curriculum or just the district standards or...