Our kiddos go home immediately if there is vomit. Thank goodness.
I am an avid crossfitter and have learned so much about mobility and core strength in the past few years which I bring into the classroom every...
I have access to 8 ipads for my second graders. i use them for math stations and also for teaching research. We just finished researching frogs...
WOw!! Sounds like a control issue...what about if kids are printing up reports or notes or information???? I am at home as we speak, working on...
I teach second grade. I guide kids through note-taking in math journals whenever we learn a new concept. My goal is that they will refer to these...
3 years ago, a little Iraqi immigrant girl was placed in my second grade classroom. Her name was Basma. No English, terrified... She stayed 2...
LOVE LOVE LOVE the charting idea! Going to try that tomorrow with my second graders:) We are working on transitioning without chatting..
Smiling from ear to ear right now:)
I am exhausted even thinking about how you handle all this! Kuddos to you for being so positive and proactive...kids are lucky to have you!
My students do "JOBS". I stopped centers a couple of years ago due to a class who could NOT transition well in between centers! My Jobs time will...
science, social studies, art...!! We do ELD rotations at my school in second grade and rotate the ELL levels through 3 teachers. I teach the same...
I start off with blending and segmenting the words (all orally)...and then move into sound-letter spelling associations, looking for patterns,...
yes, our district varies by school. At my school, I have 25 while the other 2 classes have 22-23. Not a big deal in my book as they get all the...
I have already been teaching for 8 days! I just finished doing the Basic Phonics/Reading test with each kid and will start running records on...
As a primary grade teacher, I have kids hugging me all day long. So I am a hugger:) I hug kids when they give me gifts. I hug former students on...
I am also a closet introvert and CRAVE alone time...except I am extremely outgoing in the classroom. I work out HARD most days after...
I say: "1, 2, 3 eyes on me" Kids respond: "1,2 eyes on you" And they are supposed to stop working and point at me with both hands...we are...
My P dishes out Yard Duty schedule making to the teachers. I did my school's schedule last school year. The amount of yard duty depends on how...
I use the program spelling patterns every week and yes, give a weekly spelling test (also spelling dictation). 10 with a pattern, 2 review words,...
one month exactly on July 4th. kids start on August 6th.