Ironically, our new SUP is cutting afternoon recess for the 1-3 grades next year and mandating that we all teach 20 min of PE a day. (Don't get me...
I write an end of year letter to the parents (second grade teacher). Important end of year activities and dates, thanking them for sharing their...
We can ask for "donations" at our school. I spend about 300-500 of my own money each year. For example, I read Stone Fox this year and my...
I am still still stuck on the fact that you get an hour a day to plan!!! We have NO specials at my school so throwing things together happens...
we are still using our old reading series and teaching the weekly spelling words, supplementing where necessary. As far as I am concerned, the...
CC is just a set of standards, not a "program". I teach second grade...I feel that the QUANTITY of the standards have decreased which allows me a...
I am interested in following this...I teach second grade. I read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory every spring and we spend the last few weeks of...
I was never taught formal grammar until I started learning a second language (French) in Jr. High...ironically English became easier once I...
I do simple sentence diagramming with my second graders, using shapes to identify nouns verbs and adjectives and how to use them...not sure if...
I voted easier. LCAP spending has reduced class size from 30 something down to 25. No major behavior problems, no testing in second grade...
I hate waking up and getting out of bed. Period. I have no words of advice. But I love my job:) Just wish it would start later!!
Likes: kids, their jokes, when they catch the reading "bug", the a-ha moments, building a caring classroom environment, watching them be kind with...
Oh, yes! Love the idea to laminate them...second graders DO love using white board markers!
I have them practice asking and answering questions about book with a partner. Also story map...
Any Crossfitters out there? If you commit to showing up and doing the work, results are amazing. I have STOPPED worrying about weight and now...
Our district went 1-1 for devices. Slates for k-2 and chromebooks for 3-8th grades.
I teach second grade so VERY different. But I have seen high school teachers assign biographies on authors of famous literature, or instruction on...
My district went 1:1 in December. Roll out has been TERRIBLE, internet access problems, IP numbers changing all the time...that said, my kids love...
My kids have to keep their unfinished jobs in subject folders in their desks...on Fridays, I do a folder check and any unfinished work must be...
can i just stay and help you?