One of my students came up with the name Think Tanks. I think I am going to go with that. Just wanted to share!
They are choosing a science themed question to answer.
I am doing a research project with 5th-6th grades. They will display what they have learned on a piece of regular large construction paper. I...
I am doing a camp theme this year. I have every area planned except for my computer area. Any creative "campy" ideas for that area?
I am on the other end of things. I am a school librarian and I will be sitting in on the interviews for a library assistant position in my...
We went to the Doughnut Plant. Yummy! And we ate at a great pizza place called Don Giovanni's. My hubby sings opera so I found this place with...
We will train this summer and begin this school year. I have been grouped with the K-2's for training in July.
Sadly, our school has lost a very special faculty member this year. We also lost many parents and family members of faculty members. I would...
Leave her an old t-shirt of yours with your smell on it so she can comfort herself and she will know you are coming back.
I hope we get some more LMS's on here now. I am beginning my 2nd year soon and I would love to share ideas.
Congrats! I am a Media Specialist now and it is great! I love my new job.
I am going to dump it. Thanks!
Does anyone have a payment protector plan on their credit card? I signed up for it when I got the card but the monthly fee is expensive? I am...
How sweet!! Congratulations!
We bring glow necklaces for the kids at night. Make a list of what you run out of, or break, (batteries, gas cans, flashlights) and put it in...
How about something really quick for summer? I like to get fish filets from Captain D's. I bring them home and put one in a small tortilla...
TapnBurn was a local business that has expanded to Pennsylvania in the past year. I don't work for them but I love the class. Love to get in my...
Homemade ice cream!!! It is soooo good. I also get local honey there. It supposedly helps with allergies. The honey man said to take a spoon...
I don't really like working out so I joined my local TapnBurn class. And I love it!! If you have always wanted to tap, this class is so much...
I do have a projector and doc cam. I am thinking about the Kindle or a Nook color. I just have to back up the idea with curriculum.