Thanks for all your support guys! I've spent the past couple hours doing things like dishes, taking out the trash, laundry and just other things I...
I had my husband call in sick for me this morning. I don't know if this is a horrible thing to do or not, but yesterday was just a really awful...
I just finished my class 5 minutes ago. This is the very first place I came, as I've had a particular rough day today and it's the first day where...
Btw, catnfiddle, what virtual school do you teach at? I was looking into some of them (K12, Insight, Kaplan) and am somewhat considering looking...
I'm at a charter. We have two shifts of classes; the students schedules are more like college schedules in a way: everyone comes/goes/has breaks...
Thanks for posting this thread! I'm a first-year teacher right now and definitely already thinking about next year as well. It's honestly one of...
Ok, I have a VERY odd teaching schedule (I don't even want to go into why my school is like this right now...). My first class starts at 11:30am,...
The one incredibly lucky thing about my otherwise chaotic and stressful school is that we are not required to turn in lesson plans. Even as a...
I only rarely let my kids use calculators. Usually only if we are doing some kind of project with a lot of calculations, because otherwise the...
I know you said not to take offense, but of course, I can't help but be a little sad at this. Do you not think I should be a teacher then?...
I'll be honest here - I'm only one chapter ahead of my students (or so to speak). I did not major in math; I majored in a media-related field....
I was like this as a student (still like this an adult, actually). I can score very high on IQ tests...but I have such difficulty with spelling...
Here's the link to the Geometry activity book I use:
I'm a first year Geometry teacher too and found a great book that has activities and worksheets. I just used one from there today using pretzels...
I'm at a charter school. I'm sure every charter is different, but my assumption is that with charter schools, experiences are going to vary...
Thank you all. It is so unbelievably helpful just to vent things out to other teachers and be able to get some type of gauge for what is normal....
Hi all - I'm always posting questions/rants. Thanks to everyone who continues to answer. I'm a first year teacher and I know first year is...
Yeah, why can't there be any math movies?? :)
I like this thread. I like hearing that I'm not alone. I was just talking to my husband tonight about how, at this point, I don't know if I want...
oh my gosh - you sound like me! I'm from TX but teaching in secondary math in CA and was looking into getting TX credentials as well! Yes, contact...