I don't know where you're from, but I completely understand this. I attended a private Christian college in Texas and felt like an old maid at 22...
no, I haven't had laser treatment for hair, but I have for both my eyes and acne. Though the laser eye surgery would definitely not be...
Hmm...I'm 28 and married for 3 years. Originally, DH and I thought we'd wait until our 30's to have kids, when we were more financially stable....
Ultimately, in the end, to each his own. However, since this is the topic of this thread, here's my personal opinion (I'm not trying to step on...
Things that frustrate me: 1) teaching out of 4 different rooms (in two different buildings) that all have completely different setups and...
I teach 9th and 10th grades, and my students are really bad at not raising their hands/calling out too. And unfortunately, I think I started off...
This is kind of off-topic, as I'm not doing anything special for the inauguration, but I found out today that two of my students will be gone next...
This may be weird, but one thing that's been helping me so far this semester is that I've decided not to let myself care so much anymore. I don't...
Detention is a difficult thing to give at my school as we don't have a traditional schedule and every student starts/ends at a different time. I...
Thanks guys. :) I know this is dumb, but I had begun to feel a little unsure of myself from a previous thread on here about teachers only being...
So are you saying that (if you could away with charging) you would charge more? How do you usually handle swearing?
Hmm...I go back to school Monday and I think I'm going to try this (at least until I'm told that I can't). This is how I was going to word it for...
This may sound a little weird, but thanks for saying this. :) I'm a career-changer and a first year math teacher who didn't minor, major or study...
ha ha - I like this. I'm a first-year teacher and didn't know any better, right?? :lol:
Well, I probably would talk to administration first to get their approval, but I just wanted to find out here first if it even seems to be worth...
What part of New York are you from? You might adapt well to Los Angeles. Personally, I'm from conservative Texas, so I tend to have some political...
I teach high school so of course I hear lots of colorful language in class. While I've been told that some of the "hip" teachers at our school...
Algebra 1 and Geometry. It's mostly 9th and 10th, but I do have a handful of juniors and even a senior in my classes, still trying to pass it!
I'd say it kind of depends on how internet and web savvy you are. I've explored lot of these hosting sites, and Teacherweb is really easy if...
eek - ok, so I had a longer break than most and go back on Monday. It just all hit me today. I don't know if I wanna go through a whole other...