We use teacherease at our school and I LOVE it! It's how I do all my main communication with parents and I love that the kids can always check...
This is my first year - I don't have any previous P/VPs. Would it be weird to ask my department head? I don't want to let the school (or the...
I'm sure this topic has been covered on here before, but I did a quick search and couldn't find what I was looking for. Other than a...
ha ha - would "crying" make me sound pathetic? :) I also try to have a glass of wine every night or so. It gives me something to look forward to...
Can you see their names on the right hand side of the page? If not, it could be that they didn't sign up correctly. I had this problem because...
I haven't used the gradebook as the whole school already uses teacherease ad there really isn't a point to double post it all. However, yes, I do...
Well, have they already signed up under a certain section/period? I have students that signed up under the wrong period and I haven't figured out...
When grading finals, the correct answer to a question was 1:4. I had a student write 1:8 and I marked it wrong. Afterward ,the student came to me...
Yeah, it's interesting actually being in a classroom. Many of those "good" ideas learned during teacher prep don't quite work the way you thought...
loveeducation - haha, I'm a member of Mensa too, but I NEVER tell anyone or list it on my applications/resume. I did consider mentioning it once...
I did my student teaching the second half of the year also. I would say to watch your master/coordinating teacher and she how she/he typically...
This is a misconception. Univ. of Phoenix was founded in 1976, so clearly WAY before the internet! :) I did my Masters/Teaching Program through...
I don't know where you live, but any decent sized city has craigslist classified ads. I live in Los Angeles and though it may sound funny, I've...
All of you guys/ladies - thank you SO MUCH for all your encouraging words! It's been kind of a bad weekend, and was a particularly bad morning. I...
Why is this job so difficult? :( This has got to be my 5th new teacher rant. I'm sorry if this gets redundant - I have no place else to vent. I...
Thank you SO much to everyone who responded to this! And sorry I'm just now updating... I did email the mother back and let her know that it was...
Math Finals are next week at our school. I was pulled out of classes on Friday for a Math Dept. Development Day (great timing, huh?) and we don't...
I'm 28, and there's probably three other teachers my age (mid-to-late 20's). I guess we're all kind of the babies. Actually, though, I only know...
ha ha - yeah, this was for my acne laser treatments, not for hair removal. :)
Oh - and I don't accept friend requests all the time. I think it's fine if you don't want to be friends with someone on facebook! :)