How much time is typical to ask to discuss it with family?
Hi - I'm not sure how to handle the politics of this, and would definitely appreciate some help, if anyone has any! :) I'm finishing my first...
anyone? any math people? I know I'm West Coast, but there's got to be some people still on the boards right? :)
Hmm...I'm teaching a regular course of Algebra 1 and am not going to finish the book, so I've been wondering what I need to focus on the next two...
I need to come up with a lesson plan tonight (not for school, but for a summer program at CTY I'm applying to teach) about simple proofs....
SportsJunkie - I'm 28 and in my first year teaching. I'm also a "career changer" and have actually had quite a few occupations in my 5 years since...
I am close with other women facing infertility and my heart really goes out to people like sevenplus - I know I might not ever fully understand,...
I'm not doing this, but I think during my student teaching my master teacher did this with her honors Geometry class. I had forgotten about it til...
Mine is April 6-10.
Strangely, of all the difficulties I'm having as a first year teacher, I've never been afraid of parents. I think because I've worked with parents...
Oh no! I just got an email from Studeous saying that they are shutting down and that I have to remove all my files by THIS Wednesday!! :eek:...
Yes, you make an impression the first day, but it's not the only day that you get to make an impression. You sound like a very organized person...
I feel this way too a lot on Sundays. It's the sudden reminder that time has run out and another week is starting. In the same vein, Friday... the past, I've charged $30/hour for tutoring for one student. I don't know if I'd really charge for an extra family member, but that's...
Well, I officially applied this morning for both a high school math position and a K-8 position (I have both a math and multiple subject...
I have experience with the program from all the tutoring I've done with child actors on set. I really, really like CAVA and really, really, want...
Hi - thanks to those that responded. However, I'm still uncertain what I should do. I received my Preliminary credential in 2007, and my Clear in...
I previously worked in the film/tv business, so my name is definitely google-able. I actually google my name on a semi-regular basis, just out of...
thanks rookiedoll. Who signs this though? My principal or someone at the district?
I'm in the EXACT same position! I really want to apply to other places, but if I don't get those jobs, I don't want to jeopardize this one. How do...