Anyone here know anything about George Washington University Online High School?
Oh, but CAVA uses Blackboard (aka Collaborate, aka Elluminate; they are all the same thing) and you will do your recordings in Blackboard too.
Oh, I've only recently learned about screencastomatic and it's pretty awesome!
I know I hardly ever post on A-to-Z now, but I joined this site 6 or 7 years ago and used to post a lot during my first year teaching (at a brick...
k2000y - are you applying for a K8 or HS position? Honestly, I believe they are very much in need of teachers right now and will probably look...
Hi all, the position at my school was suddenly cut due to low enrollment so I was talking with the recruiter yesterday at my school to try to find...
Hi Sunflowers, I don't know if you ended up getting the job or not, but I will answer this question anyway for others who might be curious. As...
Hi - I hardly ever visit these forums anymore (A LOT has changed since 2008 in my newbie teacher days when I first found this place and it was a...
Hi catnfiddle! I do remember your name as the other virtual teacher here. :) I once was fairly active on this message board back when I was a...
Yes, the pay is on the lower end. While this is not the case for every CAVA teacher, I'd say that the majority of us have little ones at home, and...
I am STILL subscribed to this original thread from over 4 years ago and got these latest posts. :) I have not been to these message boards in...
Wow, apparently I was subscribed to this thread from almost 3 years ago and was emailed this recent update. This is my third year teaching at...
I haven't posted in awhile, and I'm sure there's been threads about this before, but my search wasn't turning up anything. I've recently...
I'm going to do something this year in my math classes called Thought Questions. They will be assigned on Fridays as weekend homework (since I...
Here are a couple other books I found that might be good too, in case anyone is interested: The Snake and the Fox: An Introduction to Logic by...
Thank you so much for your suggestions MathManTim and yarnwoman! I will be looking at all of these books! MathManTim - great suggestion about...
Hi all - I just been told that every teacher is required to teach an elective next year that corresponds to our credential. I have a secondary...
Jem, I don't have any particular advice, but 2 1/2 years ago, I also homeschooled a girl, but she actually came over to MY house (I think her...
Hi all! I'm going to a new school next year and they'll use Powerschool. Anyone know much about this software? Last year, we used teacherease,...
Just last weekend I discovered that I get 20% off my Tmobil bill for being a teacher...well, for being a "government worker" because I work at a...