It's a different state The original poster is in a different state, so your suggestion may not be available to her.
You can't use Jobulator if your district hasn't included it in their AESOP options. Don't those other things like assignment cost...
Most places, you can apply anytime. However, with the weak economy, many school districts have actually stopped taking applications, because they...
It's the same thing with 7th grade math AND English where I sub a lot. It's not the teachers here, and I doubt it's you, myangel52, either....
No, not really. I did talk to an attorney--I have no legal recourse. Then I had a meeting with the Asst. Superintendent and the head of Human...
I agree with Crzy Art Teacher and History Girl. The stricter, the better, and we need consistent enforcement. That's the main problem with ALL...
In our secondary schools, cell phones are supposed to left in their locker until the final bell. A teacher is supposed to confiscate any cell...
Does anyone recommend using this? I hear of problems with it, but I fear people are getting jobs that I'm missing.
I'm 59 yrs. old and have been subbing 7 years. I started when our youngest was in middle school so I would still be home when he was home. (He's...
Are you sure it wasn't the student from whom you took it?
Rows!! Too much cheating and hands/feet problems when they're right next to each other. You're inviting trouble.
Midnight is a Place.
Some teachers have various paragraphs for various offenses. Such as a paragraph about why bringing all supplies every day is important or why...
You have to be careful about students passing back work if your district is fussy about privacy issues. If you collect them by groups or rows,...
Yesterday I came home, opened my e-mail and saw that all my future assignments at a particular middle school had been cancelled by the...