1) "Thank you for your time". 2) Only one interviewer 3) "It's up to HR". 4) "It was great for you to come out". 5) "I wish you luck"....
Response of aquaintance, which I think is right on the money: Consequence of putting iPad in the floor where it is meant for people to walk, not...
You don't think it's incredibly reckless to leave an i-pad on the middle of the rug without a protector? That being said, I would hate this to...
More please!! And how does this compare to teaching if you've done that before. Less stress?
What a bummer---so sorry!! I also have been applying to see what I can get even though I really want Elementary. The unknown can be very scary....
You nailed it---it's a prop. And they will associate the book with me. It's always a conversation piece.
Great info.....Thanks!
It seems to me that a handwritten note is the best personal touch, BUT with an email it's much easier for them to reply to you and you know when... most definitely helps to know someone (I'm finding out)!
Yeah...they suck!
I bring my 'portfolio' notebook----which no one ever wants to see. In fact, in a recent interview I pulled out examples of my parent newsletters...
Happy endings are always nice to hear. What a surprise!
Trust me, you got the job.
Yeah, the charter schools here are just stepping stones to get into public schools. They have openings like crazy!!
Ugh...well the good thing is it still works. Hopefully we can just replace the glass. I guess I'll offer to pay 50%.
Definitely say that you've enjoyed subbing there and as a result feel like you'd be a good fit.
Isn't it sooo awkward when you're sitting with other people all vying for the same job?! I usually try to break the ice and start a...
I've heard a few times that if you don't hear anything regarding your last teaching interview within 3 days it's unlikely you'll get the job....