Ugh I always say I won't do it but got into argument with elder family member about teachers and tenure. He's an a$$ to begin with who thinks he...
It is against our contract to be friends with students not matter if they graduate and are now 30. I was also thinking of Alice's question... I...
take one minute to think about then let's share out a i learned; im still confused about; i wonder. first time doing it this year,...
we are not allowed to have student choice in our lessons which is funny because Danielson lists choice as highly effective :confused:
i teach 5 classes all with 30 students
how horrible! i remember reading Night in hs and learning a lot, I also learned about Darfur and spent a whole semester with my class raising...
Because of those instances and because I'm up to ears in papers (450 papers per unit) I don't allow redos. I mark "conference" on the students...
Don't know about other places besides ny but I wouldn't recommend it. No jobs and city is going through major changes
I'd add that into my artifacts to gain points for "interacting with the community" under danielson :)
It sounds like a great lesson!! But I too would be a little thrown off with the aps behavior
I too travel into the city from LI but thankfully don't have to deal with alterate side parking.i won't lie, it stinks (the drive) but i LOVE my...
I think it is normal to feel overwhelmed. I would suggest going on the interview and seeing what happens. Ask what resources you'll be provided,...
When I was in hs a friend and I would stand outside of a grocery store for Salvation Army on Xmas eve.... Every year we were so touched by the...
we HAVE to post student work with grades attached....i just have my board say "nyteacher29 A stars" (but i do like yours!)
hmm my students tend to believe that every day is national lower case day!
stressing about grad school. first time in my schooling history that i am handing in a paper knowing its not an a...and not because i didnt spend...
i love my job and love NY but testing has become more increased. the city just passed performance tests which are directly linked to teacher...
We just have a curriculum map we use to follow but can modify if we feel necessary. There are 6 teachers in my grade level, while we follow the...
Funny story! My mom used to carry a bar of soap and black pepper in her bag....for my brother of course
I wait until my admin comes in the 100000 walkthroughs they do, or I wait for it to be published in the local paper, or I wait for politicians and...