What did they say when you asked?
Have you looked into Tucker Signs or something similar? Jolly phonics? I think that's what it was called.
Sooooo...They vote Jason out which is apparently a shocker to Alex. Alex wins HOH and she puts up Kevin and Raven??? Ummm...didn't Josh and...
Cannot believe all of Raven's stories of health issues too. Poor me type things. Geesh.
I am in shock that Paul was actually able to convince the entire house to throw the HOH competition. I.do.not.like.Paul. With that said, he may...
Kindergarten in all districts around me are on the same pay scale as elementary and are on the same, full daily schedule.
Ditto. Sunday evenings usually. I like to get ahead of the game. I sometimes even draft the response email and wait until morning to send it....
Thank you! That may be my best option.
If I share my Google work calendar to my personal Google calendar but not vise versa, school cannot view it correct?
Yep....filling time for sure.
So what calendar do you use?
Before I kept my professional calendar under my school email and my personal calendar under my personal email. I realize I can share these. But...
7th graders will still respond to rewards even as small as one skittle or a sticker or fun pen. I agree with calling/emailing a few parents...
Hoping Matt, Kevin, Raven, or Mark win HOH this week. Pretty sure Paul will not as it will make him align. All three groups think Paul is in...
Oh my goodness...as a parent of twins, and a teacher, absolutely NOT! The only thing I did have to ask a few times was for the teachers to...
Christmas says her noms will be a game changer. I don't see that. Mark may win comps but he is weak. Alex or Paul would be game changing. Jason...
I will be easier than you think. Research and write about landforms, historical figures, events in history, etc. Tie your read aloud into social...
I have not been a Cody fan all season but for some reason I want him to find a way to stay. I did not like how they teamed up on Kevin for simply...
For one section, Can you lower the desks/tables that you have and sit on floor/pillows/cushions?
Check out TPT for interactive social studies notebooks for centers. I've also seen year long Google slides/Powerpoints projects on topics such as...